Management philosophy

Management philosophy

What we value the most are human lives and a feeling of gratitude toward people and society. The sense of ethics necessary for humans to lead happy lives is equally indispensable for managing a business.

There have been recent shifts toward new styles of work, including remote work, but it is not possible to achieve a society that is truly comfortable to work and live in through self-interested management or reforms that leave everything to technology.

The love to make a society that is comfortable for everyone to live in is more important than corporate profits. That love is what makes a company strong. We believe management that turns its back on the value and joy of living will eventually drive a company out of business.

The desire to cause innovation that makes the world a better place. The desire to contribute to society with love. Feelings like those produce novel ideas and concepts and lead to ideal coexistence with society.

We will maintain our commitment to our fundamental policy of respecting and developing our employees' individuality, and hope to be engineers capable of supplying our clients with the best solution with free-flowing ideas and unconventional approaches.

Representative Director and President
Ryosuke Makigusa